Weekly critique group: Tuesday 1PM at the Santa Cruz Art League 526 Broadway, Santa Cruz. The Critique group will meet the first two Tuesdays of December, but will not meet the last two Tuesdays of the year. It will resume on the 3rd of January 2017.
*The first Tuesday and third Tuesday will be an open paint day and/or presentation day. These have proved to be enjoyable. Bring your supplies and join us.
A reminder: Please send your SCWS annual $35 dues to Dale Johnson. Also, if you have a gallery page on this website, please remember to also send a $10 fee to take care of the annual hosting fee with Iversen Design. Also reminder: you must be a member to have a page on the website.
Plein Air: Thursdays (Call Shirley for location and time- Shirley’s phone number appears on the membership calendar on this site.)
If you would like to receive the membership newsletter for contact information on Plein Air and other membership events, please refer to ‘contact page’ and become a member. ($35 yearly)
Membership News:
New book by SCWS member, Lee Taiz and her husband Lincoln Taiz:
Flora Unveiled
The Discovery and Denial of Sex in Plants
Lincoln Taiz and Lee Taiz
Provides a new theory to explain a longstanding problem in the history of botany: why did it take so long to discover sex in plants, and why was it such a contentious topic for another 150 years after the theory was proposed?
Covers an extremely broad range, from the Paleolithic to the nineteenth century
Represents a broad synthesis of multiple fields and disciplines, including botany, history, anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, literature, history of science, gender studies, comparative religion, and philosophy
Richly illustrated and aimed at the general audience, which sets it apart from other books in this field.
It’s available for pre-ordering from Amazon, but you can pre-order it directly from the Oxford Press website ( OUP Website ) and get a 30% discount. The promo code to receive the discount is ASPROMP8, which you type in at checkout.
Members Exhibits:
Show Opportunities:
The Figure Contemporary (a national art exhibit) Juror: Noah Buchanan
Exhibition Details
Throughout time, the body has served as a subject for artists given the various opportunities it offers for exploring nature’s beauty. The national exhibition will explore a multitude of approaches to showcasing the human form and will be juried by Noah Buchanan. Eligibility
Open to United States residents. Submissions include Printmaking, drawing, painting, collage, photography, and 3D works. The Santa Cruz Art League reserves the right to decline or remove any work that does not conform to the agreement. Fees
Entry fee paid to www.OnlineJuriedShows.com. Entry fees are Non-Refundable and must be paid by the entry deadline.
SCAL Members – $35 for one entry, $10 for each additional entry up to 5.
Non-Members – $40 for one entry, $10 for each additional entry up to 5
Entering Your Images: Entry form must be filled out in its entirety. List sizes up to the nearest inch. Submitted images must not include matting or frame. Crop the photos to include only the artwork. Be sure your images are right-side-up.
Prospectus is posted at Onlinedjuriedshows.com |
Please enter here at Onlinejuriedshows.com |
Northwest Watercolor Society:
76th Annual International Open Exhibition follows right on the heels of the holidays. Deadline: January 10 at 6 p.m. PST.
Please read the prospectus carefully for all the information you’ll need: www.nwws.org.
Renowned artist Jeannie McGuire is our distinguished juror for the exhibition. Learn more about this incredible artist at www.jeanniemcguire.com. Jeannie’s much anticipated, 5-day workshop will run from April 25 to April 29. To register, go to www.nwws.org.
The exhibition will be held at the Mercer Island Community Center from April 18 to June 3, 2016, at 1236 SE 24th Street, Mercer Island, WA 98040, with the NWWS Reception & Awards Ceremony on the evening of April 28th from 6:30-8:00 PM.
Santa Cruz Art League:
Realistic Painting in Watercolor – Intermediate and up – Hanya Fojaco
lsOur goal will be to continue developing your watercolor painting skills and personal expression within a realistic painting context. We will be layering color to arrive at the luminous qualities of the medium. There will be some short lectures, demonstrations and practice, but you will mostly be painting and you will each have the instructor’s individual attention. This will be a safe, supportive, noncompetitive class where we will improve our artistic skills and have fun doing it! Level: Intermediate and up, Offered: January 14 & 15, 2017 ,9am – 3:30pm, Fee: $160/$140 Members, Bring lunch. Materials fee to instructor: $10.00. Instructor: Hanya Fojaco is a watercolor artist with a BFA from the School of The Art Institute of Chicago. She paints her favorite subjects, flowers and succulents with rich transparent color. She has been teaching watercolor and exhibiting for several years. Images of her work are on her web page, www.hanyafojaco.com, Contact Hanya if you have any questions. hanya@hanyafojaco.com
Watercolor – Free and Easy – Bonni Carver
Come prepared to be inspired as Bonni open-handedly shares simple, easy to learn principles which appeal to beginners as well as seasoned artists looking for renewed inspiration. Beginning each class with a demonstration and instruction, Bonni leads painters into thinking “out of the box” and approaching their subject in terms of creating rather than copying. Learn how to achieve colorful darks, consider your values, simplify the subject, and edit out distractions. Bonniʼs workshops are upbeat and fun! Bring a lunch. Offered: February 4 & 5. Fee: $160 / $140 members. Instructor: Bonni Carver After receiving her undergraduate degree from the University of Buffalo, Bonni moved from her hometown of Buffalo, New York to San Francisco where she attended classes at the Academy of Art and the Art Institute. Since making the Central Coast her home, her interest in art has been nurtured by local artists and instructors. Studying watercolor in Provence, France during 1996 with Barbara Nechis proved to be the catalyst for a yearlong painting odyssey throughout Western Europe the following year. Bonni is an Open Studio artist.
The Art of Selling Art – Robert Regis Dvorák
Selling art, your own or other artist’s is easy when you know how! This workshop will cover: prospecting for clients, developing rapport, planning sales meetings and phone calls, telephone techniques, emotions–how to use them, what not to say or do, closing secrets, what questions to ask, what words to use, portfolios, slides, artist’s statements, presentations, goal setting, pricing the art, art gallery selling, referrals. This is a comprehensive sales program oriented to the individual artist and art representative. Be prepared for a fun-filled day of lively lecture and in-class games. You will learn how to sell art to individual clients, collectors, and corporations. Robert Dvořák, a successful California artist, will demonstrate what works and what doesn’t work so that by the end of the workshop, you can begin selling–and prospering–immediately with confidence and self-assurance. One day: February 11th, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Cost: $89 A comprehensive handout is included. The book, Selling Art 101 will be available. Important: Remember to bring one artwork, which is framed or mounted and available for sale. Frequently sales take place in this class. Also bring lunch and a clip board. Instructor: Robert Regis Dvorák is the author of the new book, Selling Art 101. He has been teaching The Art of Selling Art to artists, art representatives, and art gallery sales people for 25 years. His paintings and prints and films are part of many individual, corporate, and institutional collections.
A space has opened for this weekends workshop
Travel Painting and Drawing – Robert Dvorak
Want to make your next trip the most rewarding of all? Take a sketchbook with you and rather than point and click your camera, take a few extra minutes to make some fine quick sketches and color them with watercolor. Drawing and painting while traveling is fun and will increase your perception and enjoyment. Traveling with a sketch book can also open doors to interesting adventures and new friendships. You will return home with priceless memories. This class will show you how to:quickly draw people, architecture, water, trees, and landscape, simplify your material—capture essence, prepare, pack and what materials to bring, be comfortable and relaxed sketching and painting in public, draw and paint in cafes, restaurants, on the street, on a cruise, on airplanes and boats, draw and paint in public with or without discovery. You will practice simple techniques for drawing and painting in class using projected color travel images and other methods. Make your future travel experiences satisfying and unforgettable. Bring a lunch. Level: All. Offered: Nov. 12 & 13: 10 to 4. Fee: $160 / $140 members. Materials fee: $25. Includes all drawing materials, handouts, a travel sketch pad 160 pages and The Pocket Drawing Book. Instructor, Robert Regis Dvorák, is an artist and popular speaker on subjects of creativity in business and education. Robert has travel sketched and painted in 68 countries including all of Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, North Africa, the Middle East and India. He has exhibited and sold work in the USA, Europe, Japan, China, and Indonesia. He has authored four books on drawing: The Practice of Drawing as Meditation, Drawing Without Fear, The Magic of Drawing, Experiential Drawing and Travel Drawing and Painting.
Call SCAL today to register 831-426-5787
Exhibits Around Town:
R. Blitzer Gallery Santa Cruz through November www.rblitzergallery.com
As We See It-East Coast and West Coast Women Artists : Mary Alice Copp, Coeleen Gilbert, LaThoriel Badenhausen, Carol Goodman and LaufeyVilhalmsdottir Bustany
Exhibits In Bay Area:
Cordon Potts Gallery, 49 Geary St., San Francisco (415) 781 0110 www.gordonpottsgallery.com
DIAMOND NIGHTS ( photography)
The show follows a body of work called ‘Ancient Trees: Portraits of Time,” by Beth Moon. Dark, moody and surreal images of oldest growth trees around the world.
November 3- December 3.
Interesting Books/Websites: