Ed Penniman will have paintings exhibited in the Santa Cruz Art League lobby from June1- July 1, 2012. The reception will be June 9 from 3-5PM in tandem with the 82nd. Annual California Statewide Landscape Exhibit of which he is the curator.
The Lobby Show:
Drawings, paintings (oil and watercolors), mono-prints and photographs by Ed Penniman, a Guillaine-Barré Syndrome survivor, of figure model and friend Kate who has secondary-progressive MS.
A small representation of work spanning three and a half years and hundreds of pieces of artwork produced by disabled artist and model. “This small but powerful presentation of art is to honor Katie’s courage and commitment to staying really alive, to fully living her own life and in helping me with my artistic endeavors.” Ed Penniman
Artist’s Statement
As a disabled person I am keenly aware of the struggle of other physically challenged individuals. I met and hired Kate as a part time employee for my design business. I appreciated her beauty when I met her and, after a friendship grew, thought it would be challenging, and mutually spiritually healing for us to engage in an art project. Our joint effort started as portraiture then developed in to a number of art sessions where my intention was to more deeply capture her beauty and emotional state in my artwork. My purpose was to stop time and portray the dynamic of her disability pitted against her sensual yet wholesome “Irish nun” looks. As an artist I have attempted to respectfully capture the truth in her beauty, and visually express an underlying current of hope and dread.